“When you’re checking off one task after another from your to-do list, waiting even a few seconds while your tabs load can slow you down,” This speed up time was much needed as most of the users were complaining that it is taking longer than it should actually take. The Google Chrome will speed up loading time for active tabs by bringing the resources from those that are idle for a while. An engineer from chrome said that the new improvement has not only increased the loading speed but its also saving the battery of the device on which it is used. Chrome engineering director Max Christoff wrote: “We see improvements not only in loading speed but also battery and memory savings,”  Google has announced a new feature, Tab Grouping, for chrome in May, which is launched now, and it allows users to collapse and expand groups, making it easier for other people to access them.  Chrome for beta is adding tab previews as well, which will show a thumblain of each tab when you hover on it. Moreover, a spokesperson from the company also revealed that PDF support would be getting more powerful in the new update. He said: “Over the next few weeks, you’ll be able to fill out PDF forms and save them with your inputs, directly from Chrome. If you open the file again, you can pick up where you left off.” Some other features, including more finger-friendly tabs, are also in plans. SO let’s see when the company is going to launch these features for users. Also Read: A New Chrome Update Will Allow You to Check For any Leaked Passwords