The company has made these changes with a purpose to save the internet resources as “people are sharing more photos and videos” amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Also, the famous TV serial and movies platform Netflix announced to decrease internet traffic by 25% on networks across Europe as a relief measure for internet service providers.

Google to Stop Auto-Backup Media Files From Whatsapp & Instagram

YouTube was the second firm after Netflix to lower the quality of their videos to limit internet overload. The premium quality videos account for a large part of internet traffic data as increased internet, and video-streaming usage has caused pressure on the network operators’ systems. Different apps like Facebook, Helo, Instagram, LINE, Messages, Messenger, Snapchat, Twitter, Viber, WhatsApp will be affected by this change. If a user wants to store specific photos and videos then he can go to the Google Photos app, “click on Library then Photos on the device, tap view all, click on the folder with content you want to back up and select the photo or video you want to back up and then the option Back up now.” Furthermore, several apps like WhatsApp have their in-app option to disable auto-saving of media. Check out? Google Expands Meet’s Noise Cancellation Feature to More Countries