Has someone Blocked Your Number on Android?

Well, there are a few ways to know it.

Call from someone else phone:

It is a funny way of checking if someone has blocked your number on Android. For instance, if a person has blocked you and you call him, you will get a busy tone. Whereas upon calling from someone else number, you will notice the normal response instead of an engaging number. it is a clear clue and confirmation that the person has blocked your number.

Call Multiple Times From Your Phone

It might be possible that instead of blocking your number, the person would have enabled Do Not Disturb (DND) mode on their phone. This mutes all kinds of notifications on their devices. You can call them several times and will get through when the turn off the DND mode. In such a scenario, the person will definitely contact you back when free, if he doesn’t it means he/she has blocked your number.

Call Again- Airplane mode might be enabled

It might be possible that the person you are trying to reach has turned his phone off or has enabled airplane mode due to some meeting or class. In this scenario, the best one can do is to wait before giving them another call since it might disturb them. To confirm this, you can check out that person’s account on Facebook or Instagram and see if you can access their profile. Also Read: Now Instagram Will Let You Know If Your Insta Post Gets Blocked From Being Recommended