This news was revealed by Alessandro Paluzzi, a popular tipster and reverse engineer on Twitter who keep on sharing the major app updates from the platform. He revealed that the meta-owned platform is working on introducing a 90-second limit on Instagram Reels, that will replace the current 60-second cap on publications.

Increased Reels Limit will help Influencers to better spread their message

Instagram Reels were inspired by the Tiktok and worked even better than the platform itself. Seeing its popularity, it was also copied by YouTube and was given the name YouTube Shorts. This feature is still in beta testing and is getting extremely popular with top creators. This means Instagram is getting insecure for the very right reason. By converting it reels to 90 seconds, it has paved a way to be better than the YouTube shorts which is still at 60 seconds. This is one of the best things the platform could do for users since they wanted to add more information to their reels. Influencers have to upload multiple reels to announce something due to the video duration cap. While this feature is in testing so let’s see when we will be able to receive it globally. Also Read: Instagram Reels Video Time Duration Expanded to 60 Seconds