Read Also> Elon Musk turns his supports towards another currency after Bitcoin Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has said that his administration has a complete arrangement to help. In the farming area by introducing solar-powered tube wells and developing calf breeding for export. “This activity would be made with the help of the private area or on a Public-Private Partnership premise,” the minister said. He offered this remark while conversing with an appointment of Enertech led by its CEO Abdullah Al Mutairi. The meeting designation told the chief minister. They were keen on working with the provincial government. In the water area, including dispersion, galaxies, and steers breeding for Halal meat. “Our organization would make the direct venture and where important they would deal with PPP mode,” the CEO Abdullah Al Mutairi said. The chief minister said that his administration was launching a water scheme. The purpose is to give tap water to various regions of Karachi. “We would invite you if the Kuwaiti organization began a water distribution framework in the city,” he said. CM Sindh said that the common horticulture office has immense cultivating focuses. “We would invite Enertech to work with the agribusiness division to advance new calf breeds and develop them for the fare of Halal meat,”. The Kuwaiti organization can partake in the project and stretch out assistance to introduce sun oriented tube wells in the area.