LinkedIn is Copying iOS Clipboard

Don Morton, CEO at career portfolio site builder Urspace, has reported and shared in a tweet that LinkedIn was accessing his clipboard contents on every keystroke. He mentioned in his tweet, that “I’m on an iPad Pro, and it’s copying from the clipboard of my MacBook Pro.” In other words, pretty much the same reason that TikTok got called out a week before.   I’m on an IPad Pro and it’s copying from the clipboard of my MacBook Pro. Tik tok just got called out for this exact reason. — Don ???? (@DonCubed) July 2, 2020 A LinkedIn spokesperson said that LinkedIn plans to stop its app from repeatedly copying the contents of an iOS device’s clipboard after a user highlighted the issue via tweet. LinkedIn engineering VP Erran Berger.mentoned in a Tweet that the app copies clipboard contents in order to perform an “equality check” between what a user is typing and what’s in their clipboard, but he didn’t clarify that why this check was necessary. He further said that “We don’t store or transmit the clipboard contents. Recommended Reading: LinkedIn introduces Hashtag Presentation Mode