Activision Blizzard may planned to postpone the 2023 release due to the bad reception of 2021’s Call of Duty: Vanguard, which failed to fulfil the company’s expectations. In addition, sources reported in January that the corporation was considering changing the yearly releases. Activision spokesperson Neil Wood said, “We have a great schedule of premium and free-to-play COD experiences for this year, next year, and beyond.” “Reports of anything else are false.” We look forward to sharing additional information when the time comes.” The recently launched Call of Duty: Modern Welfare II has surpassed all records, breaking the previous record of $1 billion in sales in just 10 days. This is the quickest COD game to reach $1 billion in revenue in a short amount of time. Black Ops 2 previously held the series record for breaking the $1 billion mark in 15 days. Modern Welfare II’s multiplayer has been played for over 200 million hours, according to the high-profile game creator.