Nokia Files Multiple Lawsuits Against OPPO Over Patent Infringement

Check Also: Nokia 110 4G and 105 4G Are Now Official Back in 2018, Nokia and OPPO signed a multi-year licensing agreement. But this lawsuit indicates that the contract is over. Nokia has also officially announced that OPPO has rejected the offer of renewing the contract so it had to take legal actions since Oppo continues to use those patents. The spokesperson for Nokia believes that there is still a more constructive way to deal with the situation. Nokia, after all, has quite a lot of patents up its sleeve and has signed royalty-bearing agreements with Samsung, Apple, LG, Lenovo and even Blackberry. On the other hand, OPPO found Nokia’s action “shocking”. The company also considered it dishonouring the patent licensing under fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory terms. OPPO said, Let’s wait and see, what will be the result of these lawsuits. Recommended: OPPO takes home 12 awards at CVPR 2021 while the proprietary algorithm empowers Smart Factory for the first time