IT asset management outfit Lansweeper has published these results of a 10 million PC survey that gives the new operating system a 0.21 per cent market share., even though the new upgrade is for free. These results came as a surprise as Windows 11 was the fifth most popular Windows operating system. It is very ironic, that there are more PC users still on Windows XP about 3.62% and Windows 7 and Windows 8 have more users at 5.98% and 4.86%, respectively. With such percentages it is very hard to be optimistic about the users’ embracing the new upgrade. The question that needs to be addressed is WHY PC users are not upgrading? Is it because the new OS have bugs and performance issues, like the AMD laptops found last month. Or is it the users are more comfortable with version they have? Switching to the new upgrade will be threatening their comfort zone. It is no big secret that the PC Users are purposely avoiding the upgrade. As for the enterprises they might not take up the upgrade for at least a year or more after release. Also Read: Android Apps on Windows 11 Now available for Beta Testers