Fake Accounts Offering job Opportunities at PITB

As per the official website, the fraud is being done by sending fake emails through different email websites such as Yahoo, Hotmail, or Gmail. Furthermore, they are also issuing fake employment letters that have official logos of PITB and its related projects. Message from the PITB: In order to tackle the scam, PITB has issued a message regarding how it hires individuals for any job. According to the PITB, So any email that individuals receive from other than the official email address, won’t be authentic. Therefore, the public, in its own interest, is being warned to beware of such online scams. They can also visit the official Job Portal for seeking job opportunities at PITB. The board also clarified that it won’t accept liability, under any condition, for loss resulting from fake employment opportunities. Furthermore, the board is also taking steps and they are in touch with relevant law enforcement agencies to eliminate such kind of misleading and fraudulent activities in the best interest of the general public. If anyone receives any fake email with PITB name or logo shall be reported directly to [email protected]. Check out? PITB Launches E-Abiana System to Facilitate the farmers