PTA DIRBS Initiatives Applauded at ITU GSR 2019 Bangkok

The ITU experts highlighted how the DIRBS system works and how effectively it is addressing the issue of illegal, counterfeit and stolen devices. PTA launched DIRBS across Pakistan in order to curb Import & Use of Illegal Devices.  The system Identify sub-standard, fake, and illegally imported mobile phones, register, and block non-compliant devices on mobile phone networks. This unique system curbs illegal imports, facilitate legitimate device importers and mobile device users and improve the overall security situation. The implementation of the DIRBS is now controlling multi-million dollar losses to the country.

PTA has also introduced for the convenience of consumers within the DIRBS framework a Device Verification System (DVS). Through the DVS system, people can check whether their devices are complaint or non-complaint even before they can make a purchase.  The import of illegal phones was causing huge damage to the economy of the country, therefore, PTA has started blocking illegal mobile phones after several warnings still providing them an option to register their devices through an online registration system. It is because of the PTA DIRBS system that local industry also saw a positive change. Globally, it has been found that one in seven handsets are counterfeit. It is the growing problem as the fraudulent devices frequently contain malware that allows personal information to be stolen. Directly or indirectly, illegal devices are encouraging crimes and terrorism. For readers information, the ITU and NBTC organized the “ITU-NBTC Asia-Pacific Regulators Round table” (2-3 September 2019) and the ITU-NBTC International Training Program (4-6 September 2019) in Bangkok, Thailand. The event was also supported by the Department of Communications and the Arts, Government of Australia. For over nine years, the Regulators’ Round table has provided telecommunication/ICT regulators in the Asia-Pacific region with a platform that fosters dynamic and strategic discussions, sharing of information, relevant experiences and practices as well as conclusively debate on possible solutions and opportunities for potential collaboration to address emerging regulatory issues and challenges. Recommended Reading: DIRBS to Eliminate Menace of Smuggled Phones- PTA and How To Register Mobile Phone Online with PTA

PTA DIRBS Initiatives Applauded at ITU GSR 2019 Bangkok - 18PTA DIRBS Initiatives Applauded at ITU GSR 2019 Bangkok - 81