The Authority through a letter has accused twitter administration for under influence of Indian lobbies and depriving Pakistani users which is not only against the fundamental rights of the users but is also in violation of Twitter’s own community guidelines.

PTA Raises its Concerns Over Suspension of Twitter Accounts of Pakistani Users

PTA has written a letter to twitter administration while saying that prima facie, this action is in violation of the policy and community standards of Twitter, and an attempt to stifle freedom of expression. According to PTA letter, “Pakistan is one of the countries which firmly believe in the freedom of speech and expression under the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Government of Pakistan also firmly believes not to deprive the public from the benefits attributed to Internet, particularly social media. Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), being the sole entity responsible to regulate Internet content, has been reporting unlawful content on your platform through the designated email address for its removal/blocking under section 37 of Prevention of Electronic Crime Act, 2016. So far, PTA has received numerous complaints (178) of Twitter users about blocking of their accounts apparently for advocating Kashmiri rights and condemning Indian forces’ atrocities in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir. It appears that Twitter administration under the influence of Indian lobbies is depriving Pakistani users which is not only against the fundamental rights of the users but is also in violation of Twitter’s own community guidelines. Prima facia, biased treatment is being extended to users from Pakistan. Keeping in view the sensitivity of the issue, the twitter administration has been asked to expedite restoration of accounts as per the attached list with immediate effect”.   Recommended Reading: Accounts Suspension on Kashmir Issue Raised With Twitter