Role of Incubators in Nourishing Talent

Haven said that let’s accept that Pakistan has always lacked a platform for people who have ideas, but they want help to pursue it. There was no platform to find leaders who can help people from developing the ideas to the finishing line. The advent of National Incubation Center changed all of this.

History of Incubators:

The first incubator was initiated in 2005, around 12 years before the launch of the first NIC in Pakistan. National Incubation centre was launched at National University of Sciences and Technology. Some independent organisations like NEST I/O, Plan 9 also helped the startups to flourish. Like this, the never ended journey started helping many startups becoming enterprises.

Why we Need Incubators?

There are still many people who believe that Pakistan does not need incubators. Some school of thought believe that incubators can not add the value and the startup having good ideas can flourish, and it has nothing to do with incubators. They also say that all big companies like Apple, Microsoft and Google etc. have never gone to incubators. Well, let’s not forget that in Pakistan we do not have that kind of resources that were available there. All the successful startups like and and Mobilink lead their journey, and now it’s their sole responsibility to share the wealth of knowledge, network and experience with the new startups who are striving to achieve their own dreams. All the prominent leaders from Pakistan mentioned above were genuinely ambitious, and their mindset towards facing challenges was impeccable. NIC is working hard to push such an entrepreneurial mindset to the startups. It is acting as a bridge to fulfil gaps between Entrepreneurs, Innovators and investors. NIC not only nourishes a startup but also provides a cool environment to them while helps them grow exponentially.NIC helps a startup from scratch- starting from learning website development and marketing strategies from experts to registering your company with SECP. All the developed and prosperous countries like USA, China, Europe and India have thousands of incubators, and now one can easily see why they are so progressive. It’s a high time that we should change our mind and support NIC as the future of our country relies on it. Recommended read: Govt to Setup National Incubation Centers in Four Other Cities of Pakistan