Say Good-Bye to Instagram Most Used Feature

This feature was initially loved by people as it was one of the easiest ways to discover new content. When you follow a user, you are able to see their posts, likings, commenting at priority. But with time this feature was misused by users. It is now only used to spy other people, hence getting controversial day by day. While telling about the misuse of “the Following” feature, Instagram Head of Product Vishal Shah said: “People didn’t always know that their activity is surfacing. So, you have a case where it’s not serving the use case you built if for, but it’s also causing people to be surprised when their activity is showing up.” Ultimately, “simplicity was the driving factor” The removal of the Following tab will be completed in a week. When this tab will be removed, the activity feed will focus on your own activity including the people who like or comment on your photos. This is a good initiative, as the following feature was also acting as a depressing factor for people who were followed by less number of people. Also Read: Instagram Group Story Feature to Come in Latest Update