Spotify home screen Getting a Makeover

The new home screen will allow users to discover new content from different parts of the world and also get ease to find out data in separate sections. This step will keep things simpler and simplify the hassle of searching. The users will be able to find fresh and novel content recommendations or even revisit recent favorites and side by side can sort out the music in two diverse categories. The app apprehends the users’ preferences and songs likings and then through the Music feed, those songs and playlists are suggested that suits the users’ preferences. The new recommendations will make the discovery easier than before. After accessing the user’s liking, the Podcast & Shows feed recommends new episodes and seasons of the shows that the user tracks. The app will also suggest new podcasts that users have listened to in the past. In the recommendations, the users will also be given episode descriptions and they can like and save their favorites to their library. The update doesn’t just include the introduction of two different categories but also adds new buttons to help the users easily and quickly share, like and play their favorite music. The company says: “By creating these feeds, Spotify will help listeners to easily scroll through the type of content they’re looking for at that moment. The updated interface will make the experience more personalized while allowing users to dig even deeper into their recommendations.” Spotify’s new home screen is made available to just Android mobile users. Very soon the company will also roll out the same feature for iOS devices. Also Read: TikTok music app poses a challenge to Spotify and Apple