It is very important to adopt the appropriate technology in order to achieve our desired goals such as to create employment opportunities, reduce the level of poverty and boost the economy.

The state of Technology in Pakistan

  The developed countries like the USA, China, Malaysia, and Japan have invested sufficiently in order to promote emerging technologies. Even our neighbor country India is also investing sufficiently in the technology industry and has established its Indian silicon valley in Bangalore successfully. If we compare our country to the rest of the world, then we can see that Pakistan is lagging behind in terms of technology. Unfortunately, our polarized democracy and inefficient governance system are the two major factors that are causing to make the overall human development conditions poor and curtailing educational opportunities. Our Government does not priorities to scale up new technologies. It is very important to compete with a completely transformed world that is overwhelmed with hordes of information, communication, and technology. In order to compete with the rest of the world, it is very important to invest more in education and R&D activities The government should take some measures that ease the adoption and innovation of technology. Because without the adoption of advanced technology, it is not possible to bring positive changes and progress in any sector. The adoption of modern technology is very important for the improvement in each and every sector of the economy. Technological progress is the key factor in the economic progress of all developed countries and without that, it is not possible to compete with them. Its time to act. Recommended Reading: 5G Technology- The Promise of a Better Future