Areesha is a talented girl and has the ability to memorize things quickly. The minimum score to pass an exam is 700 but she secured 831 points. Isn’t it amazing news? yes, but ironically the social media is not flooded with it. If it would be a meme of another thing, we not only would have shared it thousands of times but also would have made its remix and would have tried to become like one.

This 4-Years Pakistani Girl Becomes Microsoft Certified Professional-Is it Really a News?

Though the topic of this piece of writing seems to be a little confusing, it is quite ironic to see that we Pakistanis do not even see it as news. We are least concerned about the good things going around us but are easily amazed by “Pawwrrii ho rae hay” seriously shows that we have a sense of humor but when it comes to a sense of accomplishment, we are nil by nil. I am not against Dananeer-The Pawwriii girl or any other such content circulating on social media, but when I give it a wider look, I see how our role models have shifted from Quaid-e-Azam to the TikTokers we copy. How much importance we give to the filthy content on multiple platforms but neglect such people who are actually representing us on a national level and making people throughout the globe realize that there are more people here like Abdul Qadeer who can make difference in this world. While Ahmed Shah, the boy who got famous for saying “Yeh Mera Basta hay” is seen everywhere on TV channels, Fatima Areesha was not invited on any TV show. Why? I believe we have changed our role models. While I asked my son to make a funny video on Pawwri ho are hay as it was viral those days, I realized that I should have also told him that a girl one year younger than him is Microsoft Professional now and how he could be one. We as a nation have deviated from our paths. We as parents have some responsibility on us to show the ray of light and hope to our kids and tell them what’s really matter these days is not the social media content, funny videos, and meme. They are ok to be enjoyed for a short span of time but what matters the most is WISDOM and only it will lead them to the right path. Also Read: vivo Y1s Launched with 4030 mAh Battery and 6.22-Inch Halo FullView™ Display