So in easy words, when you write a message on your mobile device, the app covers it with codes before it is sent. The person who receives the message on their device can decode it. It means that in between sender and receiver the information cannot be used by any other third-party app. it means that if messaging app saves your information, it is of no use.

Public and Private keys

To understand it in a better way, every user who has end-to-end encryption has two numbers that are called Keys. These two numbers include Public Key and the Private key. The public key can be seen by anyone whereas the private key remains secret for everyone including the app itself. So when someone sends you a message, their phone uses the public key to encode the message whereas uses the private key to decode it when it reaches you.

Is End-to-End Encryption Perfect?

Not at all! There are many encryptions in the world and non of them can stop someone from grabbing your phone, opening the app with a password, and reading you’re message. The main reason behind this is that some companies install a backdoor along with encryption that let outsiders read your message. It means while it’s a good layer of privacy but still one needs to remain attentive since there are lapses to it as well. Also Read: Meta Introduces New End to End Encryption Features for FB Messenger