WhatsApp was initially inspired by Telegram new features and tried to adopt them all but now it seems it wants to copy the video conferencing app stealing its limelight. For this, Zuckerberg has announced that the company is experimenting  32-participant limit. Moreover, in just a couple of days, the company will start rolling out call links which can be easily distributed among people who are not even on your contact list. With this link, people would be able to easily join the meeting.

Other than this, the company has not shared any more details like who will be able to share the links and about limitations and all but I guess everything would be almost the same as Google Meet functionality so we already know how the overall functionality will work. While Meta’s borrowing features from its rivals is justified but I believe it should have added some different touch to it.  However, one good thing that we can see in this feature is the ability to schedule video calls. Sometimes in our busy schedule, we forget to take time out for our loved ones. So with this feature, it would be easier to connect with each other. You will be getting this feature in a couple of days, so let us know how you feel about it. Also Read: WhatsApp Audio Feature for Status to Launch soon