The US and UK have signed a treaty, that will force WhatsApp and other social media sites to share chat contents, which is no doubt a threat to the privacy of billions of users who use WhatsApp, Facebook etc.

WhatsApp Privacy is At Risk!

However, Facebook said in a statement: “We oppose government attempts to build backdoors because they would undermine the privacy and security of our users everywhere. Government policies like the Cloud Act allow companies to provide available information when we receive valid legal requests and do not require companies to build back doors.” Previously, the Australian government had passed legislation, according to that the authorities in the country were allowed to spy on messages from apps that include WhatsApp. Furthermore, Singapore had also passed the law of anti-fake news. Personally, I think that all these social apps and platforms are not secured. When we put any content or share any data online, then don’t think about your privacy, in fact simply forget about it. In this digital era, where we turned the term impossible to possible, at the same time the new social apps are is now causing the biggest disrupter of happiness. Because when you feel a threat to your privacy, then, of course, you get upset. Recommended Reading: WhatsApp to Kill its Services on iPhone Models Running iOS 8