For nearly twenty years, Wikipedia is facilitating the users in order to browse from their computer, tablet, or phone. In the new design for desktop, there are some animated GIFs and you will definitely like the new table of contents feature too. An additional change is the reconfigured logo.

Wikipedia is Getting New Design for Desktop

According to Wikipedia, “We have not created a complete, detailed product specification. Each feature will be built and implemented separately, over time. Features which have been created are still being adjusted and improved. Our decisions are based on community feedback, user testing, and extracted API data.” The first change to roll out will be “a collapsible sidebar”; this new feature will allow you to collapse the menu on the left side of each page, to minimize distractions, and limit irrelevant content and links on the left of your screen which will make focus easier than ever. Users will also get to enjoy an easy one-click button, with the help of this button, users will be able to switch the language for a page they are reading.  The site’s parent company announced in a blog post, “These are the first of many changes in a long and complex process. There will be bugs, adjustments, and iterations. We welcome anyone curious about our changes to try them out and give us feedback” Recommended Reading: Wikipedia Breaks 5 Years Old Record with High traffic Amid COVID-19